Typical day at HS advanced camps:
Day 1:
8:30-9 Check-in and reminder: this is a phone-free camp so Airplane mode it is :)
9:15 Intros and warm-up, then it’s FUNdamentals: passing and setting -- both hands and bump
10:15 Serving
10:30 Snack break / Chalk Talk: So, whereya from, and what's this college beach thing all about?
11:00 Defensive moves from the basic to advanced
12:00 Lunch break and time to chat with UNCW players
1:15 More passing and setting because they’re kinda important
2:30 Team block-based defense, just like USA Beach Volleyball teaches it
4:00 Camper sign-out
Day 2 & 3:
8:45 Check-in
9:15 Warm-up, then it’s all about attacking
10:15 3 new types of serves to befuddle your opponents
10:30 Snack break and chalk-talk: Beach Volleyball Etiquette
11:00 The sideout: pass-set-attack. Demos then fun games to implement
12:00 Lunch break and time to chat with UNCW players
1:15 Getting the arm to whip
2:00 Hitting from the left; Hitting from the right; stand-up, sit down, fight fight fight!
2:30 Siding out versus a block-based defense -- power and selling the power, delivering the shots
4:00 Camper sign-out
Day 4:
8:45 Check-in
9:15 Warm-up, then review of passing,
10:00 Games games games games with each other games with UNCW players and coaches and more games
12:00 Lunch break and time to chat with UNCW players
1:15 Games games games with each other and with UNCW coaches and players and more and more games
4:00 Awards and Camper Sign-out